Ozindcare Newsletter
Ozindcare is a Sydney based charity organization, operating for the last 27 years. The charity was able to provide a "hand up" to people in need, which was only possible with the generous support of more than 200 of its members.
We hope each of you are keeping safe and are holding up through the lockdown period and the challenges that it has brought forth into our lives. We are now moving along the phased transitioning phase and so let us also hope, that we will slowly ease back into normalcy in the forthcoming months.
Not that long back, we were battling against the catastrophic bushfires and the devastation it caused to people, livestock, wildlife, and nature. And yet again, our morale and resilience is being put to test as we are now up against a Pandemic, working towards curbing the spread of COVID-19, a virus that has threatened our health, life, economic stability and mental well-being.
In these unprecedented times, we at Ozindcare remain committed to supporting those in need in any way we can. Bearing in mind the Public health directives, the Emergency Response Plan kick offs, the actions underway and the precautionary guidelines that we all ought to follow, the team at an individual level have been continuing to reach out and supporting people in their vicinity and reach in the best possible ways.
Being also mindful of the Australian Government driven timely and well-defined support mechanisms and the provisioning of financial assistance & support payments to aid individuals, households, businesses and most importantly the aged and the elderly, all of which in combination has thankfully provided that much required assurance to many.
Whilst that is the case, we are also cognizant of the fact that there may be a few others who aren’t covered under these efforts and so we are continuing to look at avenues to do our bit when it is required as well. To help and to reach out to the wider community space we have extended our support to the Sydney Malayalee Association and will work collaboratively to respond to people’s needs through these difficult times.
Apart from the domestic efforts, Ozindcare’s ongoing work to help the less privileged who have reached out requesting support, is continuing as always.