Educational Support
In June 2021 Ozindcare initiated a ‘Donate for a Smart Phone’ Campaign for the benefit of the underprivileged children, who are unable to attend school as the classes have moved online.
As part of the campaign Ozindcare has helped many underprivileged students, across four schools in the states of Kerala and Karnataka in India, by providing them with smart phones / tablets for INR 2,62,000. This has helped them in continuing their studies in the current difficult times.
Sponsored the half yearly salary of an Educator for specially abled children at Ashrayam Special school, Kannur
Wildlife Care
Bushfires have taken the nests and homes of our birds and animals away; they have been exposed to the worst fires and many Koalas in the wild have got badly injured. WWF Australia had embarked on providing emergency care and medicine to these beautiful creatures.
Environmental Conservation
With the devastation that Bushfires have caused, there is so much work we all ought to do in restoring forests and recreating wildlife habitat so that we can protect and pass on to future generations an environment that is safe, reliable, green, blessed and beautiful. A better world to live in, is an aspiration most of us carry for our children.
Towards this dream, we contributed to WWF Australia and that helped enable planting of 25 trees!
Please note that this site got revamped only recently and so the information here only covers Ozindcare efforts since January 2020. For information on Ozindcare work activities for previous years click below to get to the Archives.